• 朱熹與大學 : 新儒學對儒家經典之反思
  • [NT 42944] Record Type: [NT 8598] Electronic resources : [NT 40817] monographic
    [NT 15000859] null: Chu His and the Ta-hsueh
    [NT 47348] Title Information: 新儒學對儒家經典之反思
    [NT 47261] Author: 葛德娜
    [NT 47354] Secondary Intellectual Responsibility: 楊惠君,
    [NT 47356] Secondary Intellectual Responsibility: 凌網科技股份有限公司
    [NT 47351] Place of Publication: 臺北市
    [NT 47263] Published: 萬卷樓發行;
    [NT 47352] Year of Publication: 2015[民104]
    [NT 50960] Edition: 初版
    [NT 47264] Description: 172面
    [NT 47298] Series: 西方學者詮釋中國經典叢書002
    [NT 47266] Subject: 學術思想 -
    [NT 47266] Subject: 新儒學 -
    [NT 51399] Personal Subject: 朱 - 熹 -
    [NT 51458] Online resource: http://hwu.ebook.hyread.com.tw/bookDetail.jsp?id=82422
    [NT 47265] Notes: 資料型式: 文字
    [NT 50961] ISBN: 978-957-739-642-6
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