• 封神傳奇 = League of gods
  • [NT 42944] Record Type: [NT 4780] Projected and video material : [NT 40817] monographic
    [NT 47350] Paralel Title: League of gods
    [NT 47261] Author: 許安,
    [NT 47354] Secondary Intellectual Responsibility: 梁家輝,
    [NT 47354] Secondary Intellectual Responsibility: 范冰冰,
    [NT 47354] Secondary Intellectual Responsibility: 古天樂,
    [NT 47354] Secondary Intellectual Responsibility: 李連杰,
    [NT 47354] Secondary Intellectual Responsibility: 黃曉明,
    [NT 47354] Secondary Intellectual Responsibility: 文章,
    [NT 47354] Secondary Intellectual Responsibility: 向佐,
    [NT 47351] Place of Publication: 臺北市
    [NT 47263] Published: 台朔影視;
    [NT 47352] Year of Publication: 2016[民105]
    [NT 47264] Description: 1張數位影音光碟(約110分)有聲,彩色 : 4 3/4吋;
    [NT 47266] Subject: 電影片 -
    [NT 51398] Summary: 於公元前1000年商朝末年.傳說中, 紂王(梁家輝 飾)被妖妃妲己(范冰冰 飾)所迷惑, 聯同大將軍申公豹(古天樂 飾)召喚黑暗力量, 驅使滅世黑龍降生人間, 一時間妖孽橫行, 禍國殃民.為阻止昏君滅世, 姜子牙(李連杰 飾)派遣「雷震子」姬雷(向佐 飾)、哪吒(文章 飾)與「二郎神」楊戩(黃曉明 飾), 合力尋找光明之劍, 斬妖除魔, 並協助周武王率領西岐大軍攻打朝歌.不料妲己施法令姜子牙中了逆生咒, 朝歌大戰迫在眉睫, 此時, 天相出現三陽匯聚, 黑龍降世已成定局, 天下陷入滅世危機之中......
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