內容註: |
v.7 : 1, 袋鼠的賺錢產業 (Cashing in the kangaroo); 2, 石油和水 (Oil and water); 3, 潘多拉的蜜蜂 (Pandora's bees); 4, 災禍重重 (The plague of plagues); 5, 象滿為患 (Too many elephants); 6, 犀牛角的兩難問題 (The horns of a dilemma); 7, 靜態的遊牧民族 (The static nomad); 8, 野豬的樂園 (Pig in paradise); 9, 多瑙河之死 (Death on the danube); 10, 鯨魚的價值 (The weight of whales) v.8 : 1, 捲土重來的瘧疾 (Malaria bites back); 2, 絕殺蝸牛 (A Snail in hell's chance); 3, 咖啡的成本 (The cost of coffee); 4, 魚源枯竭 (Fished out); 5, 走投無路 (Roads to nowhere); 6, 森林的衰敗 (Falling forests); 7, 瞭解紐西蘭 (At home in New Zealand); 8, 終身監禁的熊貓 (Sentenced to life); 9, 綠色革命 (The green revolution); 10, 水荒 (Water rations) |