[NT 42944] Record Type: |
[NT 1579] Language materials, printed
: [NT 40817] monographic
[NT 47350] Paralel Title: |
The security of computer、Network and Mobile Service in practice |
[NT 47348] Title Information: |
applying to high-tech society |
[NT 47261] Author: |
王旭正, |
[NT 47353] Alternative Intellectual Responsibility: |
楊中皇, |
[NT 47353] Alternative Intellectual Responsibility: |
李榮三, |
[NT 47351] Place of Publication: |
新北市汐止區 |
[NT 47263] Published: |
博碩文化; |
[NT 47352] Year of Publication: |
2012[民101] |
[NT 50960] Edition: |
初版 |
[NT 47264] Description: |
1冊圖 : 23公分; 1張光碟+ |
[NT 47266] Subject: |
資訊安全 - |
[NT 47266] Subject: |
電腦網路 - |
[NT 50961] ISBN: |
978-986-201-634-3 |