內容註: |
The origins of racial science, antiquity-1800. Was there race in antiquity? The curse of Ham and medieval racial thought. The age of exploration. Natural philosophy and the colonial experience : the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. The science of anthropology. The Atlantic slave system. Enlightenment values and racial thought -- The establishment of racial typology, 1800-1859. The reign of monogenism : Prichard and Lawrence. Steps toward polygenesis. American polygenism : Morton, Nott, and Gliddon. Polygenism in the land of Prichard -- Race and evolution, 1859-1900. Darwin's argument in on the origin of species. Darwin and Wallace on natural selection and human origin. Darwin on human evolution. Physical anthropology and the persistence of polygenism. Spencer and evolution. Spencer on the savage mind. Social Darwinism and its variants. Social Darwinism in Germany. Sociocultural evolutionism in Britain -- The hardening of scientific racism, 1900-1945. The problem of heredity. Francis Galton. Hard heredity. The rise of Nordicism. Eugenics and race in the United States -- German Rassenhygiene -- The retreat of scientific racism, 1890-1940. Boas and the culture concept. Boasian anthropology and black folklore. Psychologists and the critique of IQ testing. From race psychology to studies in prejudice. Genetics and the critique of eugenics -- The liberal orthodoxy, 1940-1960. The geneticists' manifesto. Wartime anti-racism : Benedict, Montagu, and Dunn and Dobzhansky. Experts in prejudice. An American dilemma. The post-Myrdal liberal orthodoxy. The damage argument. The breakdown of the liberal orthodoxy. The UNESCO statements on race -- A multicultural science of race, 1965-to the present. Movement scholarship. The rejection of the pathology of black culture. Institutional racism and colonialism. Genetics, new physical anthropology, and the abandonment of race. Forward to the past : the psychometrician case for race differences. Psychometrics, intelligence, and heritability. Geneticists versus the psychometricians. The psychometricians versus scholars of institutional racism. Psychometric case for policy. |