• One customer, divisible : linking customer insight to loyalty and advocacy behavior
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-語言資料,印刷品 : 單行本
    副題名: linking customer insight to loyalty and advocacy behavior
    作者: LowensteinMichael W., 1942-
    出版地: Mason, Ohio
    出版者: Texere/Thomson;
    出版年: c2005.
    面頁冊數: xxiii, 214 p.ill. : 28 cm.;
    標題: Customer services. -
    標題: Customer loyalty. -
    標題: Customer relations. -
    ISBN: 0324301294
    內容註: A few historical perspectives, basic ground rules, and -- Looks into the future never hurt anybody -- Is viral marketing an epidemic? if so, what's the cure? -- Simpler is often better: acquiring, managing and applying -- Divisible customer data -- Targeting messages and managing experiences, Part I What clicks with customers, and what doesn't -- Targeting messages and managing experiences, Part II Be mindful of the customer life cycle -- Targeting messages and managing experiences, Part III How committed and involved are your customers? -- Better find out fast! -- Best of the best new relationship and data tools -- The pivotal emerging data importance of customer clubs -- Loyalty programs, and communities -- How does, or will, customer service fit into the mix? -- Virtual and real return on relationship investment -- (not) back to the future.
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