Managing the dream : reflections on ...
Bennis, Warren G


  • Managing the dream : reflections on leadership and change
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-語言資料,印刷品 : 單行本
    副題名: reflections on leadership and change
    作者: BennisWarren G,
    出版地: Cambridge, Mass.
    出版者: Perseus Pub.;
    出版年: c2000
    附註: Includes index
    內容註: Change: the new metaphysics Copewith speed and complexity (raplexity) Corporate bonds Embodying the dream: lessonsin character. An invented life Followership Information overload anxiety (and how to overcome it) Introduction: The dreams, and the nightmares, of leaders Negotiating the dream: lessons in the art of leading. Managingthe dream On theleading edge of change Operating oninstinct Organizing the dream: social architecture for the new globalvillage. Is democracy inevitable? Our federalist future Paradigmshifts Postscript: The future has no shelf life The Wallenda factor The case for co-leaders The coming death ofbureaucracy The end of leadership The four competencies of leadership The leader as storyteller The leadership advantage The years of scholarship: anintellectual memoir Thesecrets of great groups When to resign
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