[NT 60487] Overview
[NT 60478] Works: | 23 [NT 60520] works in 23 [NT 60521] publications in 23 [NT 60522] languages |
[NT 60480] Titles
新媒體與中國社會意涵之研究 = New media and social culture implication of China
[NT 59711] by:
([NT 1579] Language materials, printed)
後現代數位媒體設計 = Post-Modern digital media design aesthetic evaluation and empirical study : 美學評析與實證研究
[NT 59711] by:
([NT 1579] Language materials, printed)
數位媒體玩設計 = Digital multimedia : 影像、音訊、動畫、視訊與整合文件一次就上手
[NT 59711] by:
([NT 1579] Language materials, printed)
媒體科技與文化全球化讀本 = Digital technology and culture globalization : a reader
[NT 59711] by:
([NT 1579] Language materials, printed)
串流龐克 : YouTube商務總監揭密100個超級YouTuber經營社群粉絲的爆紅策略
[NT 59711] by:
([NT 1579] Language materials, printed)
數位電視與新媒體平台之政策與發展策略 = Policy and development strategies for digital TV and new media platform
[NT 59711] by:
([NT 1579] Language materials, printed)
數位時代的傳播倫理與法規 = Communication ethics and law in the digital age
[NT 59711] by:
([NT 1579] Language materials, printed)
[NT 59779] Show more
[NT 60474] Fewer