[NT 60487] Overview
[NT 60478] Works: | 40 [NT 60520] works in 40 [NT 60521] publications in 40 [NT 60522] languages |
[NT 60480] Titles
休閒遊憩概論 = Inteoduction to leisure, tourism and recreation : 社會與人文觀點; social and humanistic prespective
[NT 59711] by:
([NT 1579] Language materials, printed)
休閒與運動人力資源管理 = Human resources management in leisure and sport
[NT 59711] by:
([NT 1579] Language materials, printed)
99觀光休閒餐旅考題精解 = Tourism leisure hospitality : 98年試題詳解
[NT 59711] by:
([NT 1579] Language materials, printed)
休閒事業行銷管理 = Marketing management in the leisure industry
[NT 59711] by:
([NT 1579] Language materials, printed)
海洋遊憩規劃與管理 = Marine recreation planning and management
[NT 59711] by:
([NT 1579] Language materials, printed)
休閒遊憩與觀光 = Leisure, recreation & tourism : 新世紀的幸福產業
[NT 59711] by:
([NT 1579] Language materials, printed)
邁向專業化之路 = A path toward professionalization in recreation, event, & tourism : 論大學校院休閒觀光系所之發展與規劃
[NT 59711] by:
([NT 1579] Language materials, printed)
休閒遊憩產業概論 = Introduction to leisure and recreation industry
[NT 59711] by:
([NT 1579] Language materials, printed)
休閒遊憩 = Leisure and recreation : 理論與實務; theories and practices
[NT 59711] by:
([NT 1579] Language materials, printed)
休閒產業分析與個案探討 = Competitive analysis in leisure and recreation industry : theories and case studies
[NT 59711] by:
([NT 1579] Language materials, printed)
休閒與運動人力資源管理 = Human resources management in leisure and sport
[NT 59711] by:
([NT 1579] Language materials, printed)
觀光與休閒概論 = Introduction to tourism and leisure
[NT 59711] by:
([NT 1579] Language materials, printed)
休閒遊憩產業概論 = Introduction to leisure and recreation industry
[NT 59711] by:
([NT 1579] Language materials, printed)
高齡者身體活動設計與規劃 = Physical activities design and planning for older adults
[NT 59711] by:
([NT 1579] Language materials, printed)
觀光與休閒概論 = Introduction to tourism and leisure
[NT 59711] by:
([NT 1579] Language materials, printed)
[NT 59779] Show more
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