

不可能的任務3 = Mission:Impossible 3
Abrams, J. J.
慾望城市 = Sex and the city:the complete...
Cattrall, Kim
慾望城市 = Sex and the city:the complete...
Cattrall, Kim
所向披靡 = Invincible
Banks, Elizabeth
by: Banks, Elizabeth
搶救前線 = The great raid
Bratt, Benjamin
再見鍾情 = A lot like love
Cole, Nigel
冷山 = Cold mountain
Kidman, Nicole
by: Kidman, Nicole
冷血悍將 = Ronin
尼洛 ((Niro, Robert De))
by: 尼洛 ((Niro, Robert De))
出竅情人 = Just like heaven
Logue, Donal
麻雀變鳳凰 = Pretty woman
吉爾 ((Gere, Richard))
by: 吉爾 ((Gere, Richard))
小樹的故事 = The education of little tree
Ashton, Joseph.
不可能的任務3 = MI-3
Cruise, Tom
辛巴達 = Sinbad:legend of the seven sea...
Gilmore, Patrick.
辛德勒的名單 = Schindler's list
Fiennes, Ralph
驚濤駭浪 = The river wild
Bacon, Kevin
不可能的任務 = Mission impossible
Beart, Emmanuelle
史瑞克三世 = Shrek The Third
Diaz, Cameron
世界大戰 = War of the worlds
Chatwin, Justin
by: Aniston, Jennifer
by: Aniston, Jennifer
慾望城市 = Sex and the city:the complete...
Cattrall, Kim
慾望城市 = Sex and the city:the complete...
Cattrall, Kim
記憶裂痕 = Paycheck
Affleck, Ben.
by: Affleck, Ben.
傲慢與偏見 = Pride & prejudice
Hollander, Tom
蟲蟲危機 = A bug's Life
Foley, Dave.
疾風禁區 = Goal!
Becker, Kuno
by: Becker, Kuno
CIA追緝令 = The recruit
Donaldson, Roger.
by: Donaldson, Roger.
超人特攻隊 = The incredibles
Bird, Brad
綠巨人浩克 = Hulk
Bana, Eric
美麗境界 = A beautiful mind
Connelly, Jennifer.
by: Connelly, Jennifer.
美麗蹺家人 = Sweet home alabama
Dempsey, Patrick.
翻滾吧!女孩 = Stick it
Bendinger, Jessica
by: Bendinger, Jessica
航站情緣 = The terminal
Hanks, Tom.
證明我愛你 = Proof
Gyllenhaai, Jake
by: Gyllenhaai, Jake
by: Cox, Courteney
by: Black-D'Elia, Sofia
by: Chastain, Jessica
by: Byrne, Rose
by: Douglas, Michael
by: Adamson, Andrew.
by: Dafoe, Willem
by: Fuqua, Antoine.
by: Banks, Elizabeth.
by: Adamson, Andrew.
四眼天雞 = Chicken little
Dindal, Mark
安妮霍爾 = Annie Hall
Allen, Woody.
by: Allen, Woody.
尋找新樂園 = Finding neverland
Depp, Johnny
果嶺奇蹟 = The greatest game ever played
Dillane, Stephen
模仿犯 = Copycat killer
Fujii, Takashi
by: Fujii, Takashi
殺神輓歌 = The warrior
越過死亡線 = Dead man walking
Ermey, R. Lee
雙面女間諜 = Alias:the complete fourth se...
Abrams, J. J.
雙面女間諜(第一季) = Alias(Sseason 1)
Garber, Victor
雙面女間諜第三季 = Alias:the complete third ...
Abrams, J. J.
雙面女間諜第二季 = Alias:the complete second...
Abrams, J. J.
雙面翻譯 = The interpreter
Attal, Yvan
雨人 = Rain man
Cruise, Tom
by: Cruise, Tom
by: IzzardZ, Eddie
by: Greengrass, Paul
勝利之光 = Friday night lights
Berg, Peter
愛是您愛是我 = Love actually
Atkinson, Rowan.
慕尼黑 = Munich
Bana, Eric
by: Bana, Eric
慾望城市 = Sex and the city:the complete...
Cattrall, Kim
慾望城市 = Sex and the city:the complete...
Cattrall, Kim
波特萊爾的冒險 = Lemony snicket's a series ...
Carrey, Jim.
流行教母 = Raising helen
Corbett, John.
浴火英雄 = Ladder 49
Barret, Jacinda.
by: Barret, Jacinda.
海底總動員 = Finding nemo
Brooks, Albert
海海人生 = The life aquatic
Anderson, Wes
濃情威尼斯 = Casanova
Hallstrom, Lasse
by: Hallstrom, Lasse
玩具總動員 = Toy Story
Allen, Tim.
外出 = Oechul
Bae, Yong-Jun
by: Bae, Yong-Jun
遇上波莉 = Along came polly
Aniston, Jennifer.
by: Aniston, Jennifer.
金剛 = King Kong
Black, Jack
by: Black, Jack
金法尤物 = Legally blonde
Blair, Selma.
金法尤物2 = Legally blonde 2:red, white ...
Coolidge, Jennifer.
鍋蓋頭 = Jarhead
Black, Lucas
by: Black, Lucas
鍥而不捨 = Veronica Guerin
Blanchett, Cate
靈異第六感 = The sixth sense
威利 ((Willis, Bruce))
by: 威利 ((Willis, Bruce))
靈異象限 = Signs
Culkin, Rory
by: Culkin, Rory
非關男孩 = About a boy
Collette, Toni.
by: Collette, Toni.
魔法靈貓 = The cat in the hat
Baldwin, Alec.
麻雀變公主 = Princess diaries
Andrews, Julie.
by: 安克里奇 ((Unkrich, Lee))
by: Cranston, Bryan
by: Beckinsale, Kate.
性福療程 = The Sessions
Hawkes, John
黑色聖誕節 = Black christmas
Donoghue, Lily