• 資訊與網路安全概論 = Introduction to information and network security : 進入區塊鏈世界
  • [NT 42944] Record Type: [NT 1579] Language materials, printed : [NT 40817] monographic
    [NT 47350] Paralel Title: Introduction to information and network security
    [NT 47348] Title Information: 進入區塊鏈世界
    [NT 47261] Author: 黃明祥,
    [NT 47353] Alternative Intellectual Responsibility: 林詠章,
    [NT 47351] Place of Publication: 臺北市
    [NT 47263] Published: 麥格羅希爾出版; 臺灣東華總經銷;
    [NT 47352] Year of Publication: 2017[民106]
    [NT 50960] Edition: 六版
    [NT 47264] Description: 19,540面圖,表格 : 26公分;
    [NT 47298] Series: 資訊科學叢書CI022
    [NT 47266] Subject: 資訊安全 -
    [NT 47266] Subject: 電腦網路 -
    [NT 47266] Subject: 電子貨幣 -
    [NT 50961] ISBN: 978-986-341-359-2
[NT 42818] Items
  • 1 [NT 46296] records • [NT 5501] Pages 1 •
  • 1 [NT 46296] records • [NT 5501] Pages 1 •
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