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Works: 14 works in 14 publications in 1 languages
激戰 = Unbeatable : 勇者不敗 by: 張家輝; 彭于晏; 林超賢; 梅婷 (Projected and video material) , [主演]
黃飛鴻之英雄有夢 = Rise of the legend by: 井柏然; 周顯揚; 彭于晏; 洪金寶; 王珞丹 (Projected and video material) , [主演]
夏日樂悠悠 = Love you you by: 彭于晏; 楊穎; 馬楚成 (Projected and video material) , [主演]
翻滾吧!阿信 = Jump Ashin by: 何杰; 夏靖庭; 彭于晏; 李冠毅; 李翌辰; 林育賢; 林辰唏; 柯宇綸; 潘麗麗; 蔡昀佑; 陳漢典; 龍劭華 (Projected and video material) , [主演]
破風 = To the fore by: 彭于晏; 林超賢 (Projected and video material) , [主演]
6號出口 = Exit No.6 by: 劉荷娜; 彭于晏; 林育賢; 辰伶; 阮經天 (Projected and video material) , [圖文]
危城 = Call of heroes by: 劉青雲; 古天樂; 彭于晏; 江疏影; 袁泉; 陳木勝 (Projected and video material) , [主演]
寒戰 = Cold war by: 劉德華; 彭于晏; 李治廷; 梁家輝; 梁樂民; 楊采妮; 郭富城; 陸劍靑 (Projected and video material) , [主演]
近在咫尺 = Close to you by: 彭于晏; 明道; 程孝澤; 苑新雨; 郭采潔 (Projected and video material)
彭于晏.墾丁15X6 : 到墾丁旅行吧...... by: 屏東縣; 彭于晏 (Language materials, printed)
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