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Works: 12 works in 12 publications in 1 languages
90%夢想無法實現 by: 弘兼憲史; 賴庭筠 (Language materials, printed) , [著]
弘兼憲史世界葡萄酒講座 = The first book of tasting various of the world by: 弘兼憲史; 賴庭筠 (Language materials, printed) , [著]
成功方程式. part 2. 秘笈篇 by: 弘兼憲史; 李曉雯; 簡琪婷; 陶晶文 (Language materials, printed) , [作]
弘兼憲史葡萄酒入門講座 = An introductiono of tasting wine for beginners by: 吳素華; 弘兼憲史; 戴偉傑 (Language materials, printed) , [著]
弘兼憲史香檳講座 by: 吳素華; 弘兼憲史 (Language materials, printed) , [著]
成功方程式 by: 弘兼憲史; 簡琪婷 (Language materials, printed) , [作]
課長島耕作 : 職場英文Easy Go by: 巽一朗; 弘兼憲史; 李介民; 海瑟 (Language materials, printed) , [作]
葡萄酒入門 : 第一次喝紅酒就對味 by: 弘兼憲史; 葉亞璇 (Language materials, printed) , [作]
弘兼憲史頂級葡萄酒講座 = The guide of tasting premium wine by: 弘兼憲史; 張佳雯 (Language materials, printed) , [著]
弘兼憲史雞尾酒&酒吧入門講座 by: 弘兼憲史; 李彥樺 (Language materials, printed) , [著]
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