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Works: 14 works in 13 publications in 1 languages
可不可以一直在一起 : 彎彎寵物日記 by: 彎彎 (Language materials, printed) , [作]
要不要來我家 : 彎彎塗鴉日記. 4 by: 彎彎 (Language materials, printed) , [作]
可不可以不要NG = Action! no good no more : 彎彎塗鴉日記. 5 by: 彎彎 (Language materials, printed) , [作]
可不可以不要上學 : 彎彎塗鴉日記. 3 by: 彎彎 (Language materials, printed) , [作]
可不可以不要鐵飯碗 : 彎彎各行各業初體驗 by: 彎彎 (Language materials, printed) , [著]
我們都是這樣彎大的 : 彎彎校園抒壓日記 by: 彎彎 (Language materials, printed) , [圖.文]
那些年, 我們一起追的女孩 = You are the apple of my eye by: 九把刀; 彎彎; 敖犬; 蔡昌憲; 郝劭文; 鄢勝宇; 陳妍希 (Projected and video material) , [主演]
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