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泰勒 ((Taylor, James Arnold))

Works: 1 works in 2 publications in 1 languages
樂高超級英雄 = Lego DC super heroes : the blash : 閃電俠 by: Micucci, Kate.; Richardson, Kevin Michael.; Spaulding, Ethan.; Taylor, James Arnold.; 斯普爾丁 ((Spaulding, Ethan)); 泰勒 ((Taylor, James Arnold)); 理查森 ((Richardson, Kevin Michael)); 米庫奇 ((Micucci, Kate)) (Projected and video material) , [配音]
樂高電影 = Lego DC comics super heroes : Justice league : cosmic clash : 正義聯盟宇宙大衝突 by: Baker, Troy; Morales, Rick; North, Nolan; Taylor, James Arnold; 泰勒 ((Taylor, James Arnold)); 莫瑞爾 ((Morales, Rick)); 諾斯 ((North, Nolan)); 貝克 ((Baker, Troy)) (Projected and video material) , [配音]
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