迪索 ((Diesel, Vin))
Works: | 1 works in 11 publications in 1 languages |
超世紀戰警 = Riddick : 闇黑對決
Diesel, Vin; Sackhoff, Katee; Twohy, David; Urban, Karl; 厄本 ((Urban, Karl)); 托伊 ((Twohy, David)); 薩克沃夫 ((Sackhoff, Katee)); 迪索 ((Diesel, Vin))
(Projected and video material)
, [主演]
巴比倫密碼 = Babylon A.D.
Depardieu, Gérard; Diesel, Vin; Kassovitz, Mathieu; 楊紫瓊; 索維茲 ((Kassovitz, Mathieu)); 迪巴狄厄 ((Depardieu, Gérard)); 迪索 ((Diesel, Vin))
(Projected and video material)
, [主演]
玩命關頭 = The fast and the furious. 1
Brewster, Jordana; Cohen, Rob; Diesel, Vin; Rodriguez, Michelle; Walker, Paul; 布魯斯特 ((Brewster, Jordana)); 柯恩 ((Cohen, Rob)); 沃克 ((Walker, Paul)); 羅莉葛茲 ((Rodriguez, Michelle)); 迪索 ((Diesel, Vin))
(Projected and video material)
, [主演]
比利林恩的中場戰事 = Billy Lynn's Long halftime walk
Alwyn, Joe ; Diesel, Vin ; Hedlund, Garrett ; Lee, Ang; Martin, Steve; Stewart, Kristen ; Tucker, Chris ; 史都華 ((Stewart, Kristen)); 塔克 ((Tucker, Chris)); 李安 ((Lee, Ang)); 李淳; 歐文 ((Alwyn, Joe)); 荷德倫 ((Hedlund, Garrett)); 迪索 ((Diesel, Vin)); 馬丁 ((Martin, Steve))
(Projected and video material)
, [主演 ]
鐵巨人 = The iron giant
Aniston, Jennifer; Bird, Brad; Connick, Harry, Jr.; Diesel, Vin; 安妮斯頓 ((Aniston, Jennifer)); 康尼 ((Connick, Harry, Jr.)); 柏德 ((Bird, Brad)); 迪索 ((Diesel, Vin))
(Projected and video material)
, [配音]
玩命關頭 = Fast & Furious 6. 6
Diesel, Vin; Johnson, Dwayne; Walker, Paul; 巨石強森 ((Johnson, Dwayne)); 林詣彬; 沃克 ((Walker, Paul)); 迪索 ((Diesel, Vin))
(Projected and video material)
, [主演]
玩命關頭 = Fast five. 5
Diesel, Vin; Johnson, Dwayne; Walker, Paul; 巨石強森 ((Johnson, Dwayne)); 林詣彬; 沃克 ((Walker, Paul)); 迪索 ((Diesel, Vin))
(Projected and video material)
, [主演]
玩命關頭 = Fast & furious. 4
Brewster, Jordana; Diesel, Vin; Lin, Justin; Rodriguez, Michelle; Walker, Paul; 布魯斯特 ((Brewster, Jordana)); 林詣彬; 羅瑞葵 ((Rodriguez, Michelle)); 華克 ((Walker, Paul)); 迪索 ((Diesel, Vin))
(Projected and video material)
, [主演]
玩命關頭 = Fast & furious. 7; 7
Diesel, Vin; Walker, Paul; Wan, James; 沃克 ((Walker, Paul)); 溫子仁 ((Wan, James)); 迪索 ((Diesel, Vin))
(Projected and video material)
, [主演]
玩命關頭8 = Fast & furious 8
Diesel, Vin ; Gray, F. Gary; Johnson, Dwayne ; Statham, Jason ; Theron, Charlize; 史塔森 ((Statham, Jason)); 強森 ((Johnson, Dwayne)); 葛雷 ((Gray, F. Gary)); 賽隆 ((Theron, Charlize)); 迪索 ((Diesel, Vin))
(Projected and video material)
, [主演 ]
限制級戰警 = XXX : 重返極限; return of Xander Cage
Caruso, D. J.; Diesel, Vin; Dobrev, Nina; Rose, Ruby; 卡魯索 ((Caruso, D. J.)); 杜波夫 ((Dobrev, Nina)); 甄子丹; 羅絲 ((Rose, Ruby)); 迪索 ((Diesel, Vin))
(Projected and video material)
, [主演]
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