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芬妮 ((Fanning, Elle))

Works: 1 works in 10 publications in 1 languages
黑魔女 = Maleficent : mistress of evil. 2 by: Fanning, Elle.; Jolie, Angelina.; Pfeiffer, Michelle.; Rønning, Joachim.; 羅寧 ((Rønning, Joachim)); 芬妮 ((Fanning, Elle)); 菲佛 ((Pfeiffer, Michelle)); 裘莉 ((Jolie, Angelina)) (Projected and video material) , [主演]
派對撩妹守則 = How to talk to girls at parties by: Fanning, Elle; Kidman, Nicole; Mitchell, John Cameron; Sharp, Alex; 基嫚 ((Kidman, Nicole)); 夏普 ((Sharp, Alex)); 米契爾 ((Mitchell, John Cameron)); 芬妮 ((Fanning, Elle)) (Projected and video material) , [主演]
霓虹惡魔 = The neon demon by: Fanning, Elle; Hendricks, Christina; Lee, Abbey; Malone, Jena; Reeves, Keanu; Refn, Nicolas Winding; 李 ((Lee, Abbey)); 李維 ((Reeves, Keanu)); 漢卓克斯 ((Hendricks, Christina)); 芬妮 ((Fanning, Elle)); 馬龍 ((Malone, Jena)); 黑芬 ((Refn, Nicolas Winding)) (Projected and video material) , [主演]
魅惑 = The beguiled by: Coppola, Sofia; Dunst, Kirsten; Fanning, Elle; Farrell, Colin; Kidman, Nicole; 基嫚 ((Kidman, Nicole)); 柯波拉 ((Coppola, Sofia)); 法洛 ((Farrell, Colin)); 芬妮 ((Fanning, Elle)); 鄧絲特 ((Dunst, Kirsten)) (Projected and video material) , [主演]
菲比夢遊仙境 = Phoebe in wonderland by: Barnz, Daniel; Clarkson, Patricia; Fanning, Elle; Huffman, Felicity; 克拉克森 ((Clarkson, Patricia)); 巴爾茲 ((Barnz, Daniel)); 芬妮 ((Fanning, Elle)); 霍夫曼 ((Huffman, Felicity)) (Projected and video material) , [主演]
芭蕾奇緣 = Ballerina by: DeHaan, Dane; Fanning, Elle; Jepsen, Carly Rae; Summer, Eric; Warin, Eric; Ziegler, Maddie; 傑普森 ((Jepsen, Carly Rae)); 桑默 ((Summer, Eric)); 芬妮 ((Fanning, Elle)); 華崙 ((Warin, Eric)); 迪漢 ((DeHaan, Dane)); 齊格勒 ((Ziegler, Maddie)) (Projected and video material) , [配音]
魔力女聲 = Teen Spirit by: Fanning, Elle; Minghella, Max; 明格拉 ((Minghella, Max)); 芬妮 ((Fanning, Elle)); 霍爾, ((Hall, Rebecca) (Projected and video material) , [主演]
超級8 = Super 8 by: Abrams, J. J.; Chandler, Kyle; Courtney, Joel; Fanning, Elle; 亞伯拉罕 ((Abrams, J. J.)); 考尼 ((Courtney, Joel)); 芬妮 ((Fanning, Elle)); 錢德勒 ((Chandler, Kyle)) (Projected and video material) , [主演]
幸福不設限 = Three generations by: Dellal, Gaby; Fanning, Elle; Sarandon, Susan; Watts, Naomi; 戴蘿 ((Dellal, Gaby)); 芬妮 ((Fanning, Elle)); 莎蘭登 ((Sarandon, Susan)); 華茲 ((Watts, Naomi)) (Projected and video material) , [主演]
黑魔女 = Maleficent : 沉睡魔咒 by: Fanning, Elle; Jolie, Angelina; Stromberg, Robert; 史東博格 ((Stromberg, Robert)); 芬妮 ((Fanning, Elle)); 裘莉 ((Jolie, Angelina)) (Projected and video material) , [主演]
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