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寇勒特瑟拉 ((Collet-Serra, Jaume))

Works: 1 works in 7 publications in 1 languages
疾速救援 = The Commuter by: Collet-Serra, Jaume; Farmiga, Vera; Neeson, Liam; 寇勒特瑟拉 ((Collet-Serra, Jaume)); 尼遜 ((Neeson, Liam)); 法蜜嘉 ((Farmiga, Vera)) (Projected and video material) , [導演]
絕鯊島 = The shallows by: Collet-Serra, Jaume; Lively, Blake; 寇勒特瑟拉 ((Collet-Serra, Jaume)); 萊芙莉 ((Lively, Blake)) (Projected and video material) , [導演]
一夜狂奔 : Run All Night by: Collet-Serra, Jaume; Harris, Ed; Kinnaman, Joel; Neeson, Liam; 哈里斯 ((Harris, Ed)); 寇勒特瑟拉 ((Collet-Serra, Jaume)); 尼遜 ((Neeson, Liam)); 金納曼 ((Kinnaman, Joel)) (Projected and video material) , [導演]
狙擊陌生人 = Unknown by: Collet-Serra, Jaume; Jones, January; Neeson, Liam; 寇勒特瑟拉 ((Collet-Serra, Jaume)); 尼遜 ((Neeson, Liam)); 瓊斯 ((Jones, January)) (Projected and video material) , [導演]
疾風禁區 = Goal II living the dream. II. 實現夢想 by: Becker, Kuno; Collet-Serra, Jaume; Dillane, Stephen; Nivola, Alessandro; 寇勒特瑟拉 ((Collet-Serra, Jaume)); 尼維拉 ((Nivola, Alessandro)); 貝克 ((Becker, Kuno)); 迪蘭 ((Dillane, Stephen)) (Projected and video material) , [導演]
空中救援 = Non-stop by: Collet-Serra, Jaume; Neeson, Liam; 寇勒特瑟拉 ((Collet-Serra, Jaume)); 尼遜 ((Neeson, Liam)) (Projected and video material) , [導演]
孤兒怨 = Orphan by: Collet-Serra, Jaume; 寇勒特瑟拉 ((Collet-Serra, Jaume)) (Projected and video material) , [導演]
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