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貝 ((Bay, Michael))

Works: 10 works in 10 publications in 1 languages
13小時 = 13 Hours : 班加西的秘密士兵; the secret soldiers of Benghazi by: Bay, Michael; Dale, James Badge; Krasinski, John; Martini, Max; 卡拉辛斯基 ((Krasinski, John)); 戴爾 ((Dale, James Badge)); 貝 ((Bay, Michael)); 馬蒂尼 ((Martini, Max)) (Projected and video material) , [導演]
變形金剛 = Transformers. 3; 3 by: Bay, Michael; Hunting-Whiteley, Rosie; LaBeouf, Shia; 李畢福 ((LaBeouf, Shia)); 杭廷頓惠特莉 ((Hunting-Whiteley, Rosie)); 貝 ((Bay, Michael)) (Projected and video material) , [導演]
變形金剛 = Transformers : 復仇之戰; revenge of the fallen by: Bay, Michael; 貝 ((Bay, Michael)) (Projected and video material) , [導演]
絕地再生 = The land by: Bay, Michael; Johansson, Scarlett; McGregor, Ewan; 嬌韓森 ((Johansson, Scarlett)); 貝 ((Bay, Michael)); 麥奎格 ((McGregor, Ewan)) (Projected and video material) , [導演]
絕地戰警 = Bad boys by: Bay, Michael.; Lawrence, Martin.; Leoni, Tea.; Smith, Will.; 勞倫斯 ((Lawrence, Martin)); 史密斯 ((Smith, Will)); 貝 ((Bay, Michael)); 里歐妮 ((Leoni, Tea)) (Projected and video material) , [導演]
變形金剛5 = Transformers : 最終騎士; the last knight by: Bay, Michael; Duhamel, Josh; Hopkins, Philip Anthony; Moner, Isabela; Wahlberg, Mark; 杜哈莫 ((Duhamel, Josh)); 莫娜 ((Moner, Isabela)); 華柏格 ((Wahlberg, Mark)); 貝 ((Bay, Michael)); 霍普金斯 ((Hopkins, Philip Anthony)) (Projected and video material) , [導演]
變形金剛 = Transformers by: Bay, Michael; Duhamel, Josh; Fox, Megan; Gibson, Tyrese; LaBeouf, Shia; Rogers, John; 吉布森 ((Gibson, Tyrese)); 拉伯夫 ((LaBeouf, Shia)); 杜哈明 ((Duhamel, Josh)); 福克斯 ((Fox, Megan)); 羅傑 ((Rogers, John)); 貝 ((Bay, Michael)) (Projected and video material) , [導演]
絕地戰警2 = Bad boys 2 by: Bay, Michael.; Lawrence, Martin.; Pantoliano, Joe.; Smith, Will.; 勞倫斯 ((Lawrence, Martin)); 史密斯 ((Smith, Will)); 潘托利亞諾 ((Pantoliano, Joe)); 貝 ((Bay, Michael)) (Projected and video material) , [導演]
劫命救護 = Ambulance by: 岡薩雷 ((González, Eiza)); 葛倫霍 ((Gyllenhaal, Jake)); 貝 ((Bay, Michael)); 阿巴杜馬汀二世 ((Abdul-Mateen, Yahya II)) (Projected and video material) , [導演]
不勞而禍 = Pain & gain by: Bay, Michael; Johnson, Dwayne; Wahlberg, Mark; 強森 ((Johnson, Dwayne)); 華柏格 ((Wahlberg, Mark)); 貝 ((Bay, Michael)) (Projected and video material) , [導演]
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