芭莉摩 ((Barrymore, Drew))
Works: | 8 works in 7 publications in 1 languages |
飆速青春 = Whip It!
Barrymore, Drew; Lewis, Juliette; Page, Ellen; 佩姬 ((Page, Ellen)); 芭莉摩 ((Barrymore, Drew)); 露易絲 ((Lewis, Juliette))
(Projected and video material)
, [導演]
天倫之旅 = Everybody's fine
Barrymore, Drew; Beckinsale, Kate; De Niro, Robert; Jones, Kirk; Rockwell, Sam; 洛克威爾 ((Rockwell, Sam)); 狄尼洛 ((De Niro, Robert)); 芭莉摩 ((Barrymore, Drew)); 貝琴薩 ((Beckinsale, Kate)); 鍾斯 ((Jones, Kirk))
(Projected and video material)
, [主演]
神經殺手 = Confessions of a dangerous mind
Barrymore, Drew.; Clooney, George.; Roberts, Julia.; Rockwell, Sam.; 克隆尼 ((Clooney, George)); 洛克威爾 ((Rockwell, Sam)); 芭莉摩 ((Barrymore, Drew)); 蘿勃茲 ((Roberts, Julia))
(Projected and video material)
, [主演]
當我們混在一起 = Blended
Barrymore, Drew; Coraci, Frank; Sandler, Adam; 山德勒 ((Sandler, Adam)); 柯瑞齊 ((Coraci, Frank)); 芭莉摩 ((Barrymore, Drew))
(Projected and video material)
, [主演]
賭你愛上我 = Lucky you
Bana, Eric; Barrymore, Drew; Duvall, Robert; Messing, Debra; Roth, Eric; 曼欣 ((Messing, Debra)); 杜瓦 ((Duvall, Robert)); 班納 ((Bana, Eric)); 羅斯 ((Roth, Eric)); 芭莉摩 ((Barrymore, Drew))
(Projected and video material)
, [主演]
真愛零距離 = Going the Distance
Applegate, Christina; Barrymore, Drew; Burstein, Nanette; Livingston, Ron; Long, Justin; 李文斯頓 ((Livingston, Ron)); 柏斯坦 ((Burstein, Nanette)); 艾波特 ((Applegate, Christina)); 芭莉摩 ((Barrymore, Drew)); 隆 ((Long, Justin))
(Projected and video material)
, [主演]
他其實沒那麼喜歡妳 = He's just not that into you
Affleck, Ben; Aniston, Jennifer; Barrymore, Drew; Connelly, Jennifer; Connolly, Kevin; Cooper, Bradley; Goodwin, Ginnifer; Kwapis, Ken; Long, Justin; 克皮斯 ((Kwapis, Ken)); 古德溫 ((Goodwin, Ginnifer)); 古柏 ((Cooper, Bradley)); 安妮斯頓 ((Aniston, Jennifer)); 康娜莉 ((Connelly, Jennifer)); 康納利 ((Connolly, Kevin)); 艾佛列克 ((Affleck, Ben)); 芭莉摩 ((Barrymore, Drew)); 隆 ((Long, Justin))
(Projected and video material)
, [主演]
K歌情人 = Music and lyrics
Barrymore, Drew; Garrett, Brad; Grant, Hugh; Johnston, Kristen; Lawrence, Marc; 勞倫斯 ((Lawrence, Marc)); 嘉瑞特 ((Garrett, Brad)); 強絲頓 ((Johnston, Kristen)); 芭莉摩 ((Barrymore, Drew)); 葛蘭 ((Grant, Hugh))
(Projected and video material)
, [主演]