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沙馬蘭 ((Shyamalan, M. Night))

Works: 8 works in 8 publications in 1 languages
靈異象限 = Signs by: Culkin, Rory; Gibson, Mel; Phoenix, Joaquin; Shyamalan, M. Night; 克金 ((Culkin, Rory)); 吉勃遜 ((Gibson, Mel)); 沙馬蘭 ((Shyamalan, M. Night)); 費尼克斯 ((Phoenix, Joaquin)) (Projected and video material) , [導演]
探訪 = The Visit by: Shyamalan, M. Night; 沙馬蘭 ((Shyamalan, M. Night)) (Projected and video material) , [導演]
異裂 = Glass by: Jackson, Samuel L.; McAvoy, James; Shyamalan, M. Night; Willis, Bruce; 傑克森 ((Jackson, Samuel L.)); 威利 ((Willis, Bruce)); 沙馬蘭 ((Shyamalan, M. Night)); 麥艾維 ((McAvoy, James)) (Projected and video material) , [導演]
敲敲門 = Knock At The Cabin by: Bautista, Dave; Grint, Rupert; Groff, Jonathan; Quinn, Abby; Shyamalan, M. Night; 奎因 ((Quinn, Abby)); 巴蒂斯塔 ((Bautista, Dave)); 沙馬蘭 ((Shyamalan, M. Night)); 葛林特 ((Grint, Rupert)); 葛洛夫 ((Groff, Jonathan)) (Projected and video material) , [導演]
分裂 = Split by: Buckley, Betty; McAvoy, James; Shyamalan, M. Night; Taylor-Joy, Anya; 沙馬蘭 ((Shyamalan, M. Night)); 泰勒喬伊 ((Taylor-Joy, Anya)); 芭克利 ((Buckley, Betty)); 麥艾維 ((McAvoy, James)) (Projected and video material) , [導演]
水中的女人 = Lady in the water by: Giamatti, Paul; Howard, Bryce Dallas; Rodriguez, Freddy; Shyamalan, M. Night; 喬馬蒂 ((Giamatti, Paul)); 沙馬蘭 ((Shyamalan, M. Night)); 羅利葛茲 ((Rodriguez, Freddy)); 霍華 ((Howard, Bryce Dallas)) (Projected and video material) , [導演]
驚心動魄 = Unbreakable by: Jackson, Samuel L.; Shyamalan, M. Night; Willis, Bruce; Wright, Robin; 傑克森 ((Jackson, Samuel L.)); 威利 ((Willis, Bruce)); 沙馬蘭 ((Shyamalan, M. Night)); 萊特 ((Wright, Robin)) (Projected and video material) , [導演]
地球過後 = After earth by: Shyamalan, M. Night; Smith, Jaden; Smith, Will; 史密斯 ((Smith, Jaden)); 史密斯 ((Smith, Will)); 沙馬蘭 ((Shyamalan, M. Night)) (Projected and video material) , [導演]
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