[NT 43990] Languages
[NT 60475] Covers

吉爾 ((Gere, Richard))

[NT 60487] Overview
[NT 60478] Works: 5 [NT 60520] works in 5 [NT 60521] publications in 2 [NT 60522] languages
[NT 60480] Titles
麻雀變鳳凰 = Pretty woman [NT 59711] by: 吉爾 ((Gere, Richard)); 蘿勃茲 ((Roberts, Julia)); 馬歇爾 ((Marshall, Graay)) ([NT 4780] Projected and video material) , [主演]
拼出真愛 = Bee season [NT 59711] by: Binoche,, Juliette; Bosworth,, Kate; Chelsom,, Peter; Gere,, Richard; Minghella,, Max; 伯斯沃 ((Bosworth, Kate)); 吉爾 ((Gere, Richard)); 契爾生 ((Chelsom, Peter)); 明格拉 ((Minghella, Max)); 畢諾許 ((Binoche, Juliette)) ([NT 4780] Projected and video material) , [主演]
命運晚餐 = The dinner [NT 59711] by: Gere, Richard; Hall, Rebecca; Moverman, Oren; 吉爾 ((Gere, Richard)); 穆佛曼 ((Moverman, Oren)); 霍爾 ((Hall, Rebecca)) ([NT 4780] Projected and video material) , [主演 ]
法蘭尼 = Franny [NT 59711] by: Fanning, Dakota; Gere, Richard; James, Theo; Renzi, Andrew; 吉爾 ((Gere, Richard)); 芬妮 ((Fanning, Dakota)); 蘭奇 ((Renzi, Andrew)); 詹姆斯 ((James, Theo)) ([NT 4780] Projected and video material) , [主演]
愛蜜莉亞 = Amelia : 夢想起飛 [NT 59711] by: Gere, Richard; Nair, Mira; Swank, Hilary; 史旺 ((Swank, Hilary)); 吉爾 ((Gere, Richard)); 奈兒 ((Nair, Mira)) ([NT 4780] Projected and video material) , [主演]
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