[NT 43990] Languages
[NT 60487] Overview
[NT 60478] Works: | 9 [NT 60520] works in 8 [NT 60521] publications in 1 [NT 60522] languages |
[NT 60480] Titles
女子足球選手膝關節等速肌力與膝部伸肌及屈肌傷害之研究 = The Isokinetic Strength to Extensors and Flexors Injury of Knees to Female Soccer Players
[NT 59711] by:
([NT 1579] Language materials, printed)
二十歲左右青年男子健康體能之研究 = The study for health-related phisical fitness of youth boys of nearby twenty years old
[NT 59711] by:
余瑩瑛; 曾媚美; 李志美; 王世樁
([NT 1579] Language materials, printed)
大專女子足球培訓選手以及不同位置選手體能之研究 = The study for the players fitness od national training, non-national training and diefferent positional in female soccer players of college
[NT 59711] by:
余瑩瑛; 張登聰; 曾媚美; 王世樁
([NT 1579] Language materials, printed)