[NT 43990] Languages
[NT 60475] Covers


[NT 60487] Overview
[NT 60478] Works: 5 [NT 60520] works in 5 [NT 60521] publications in 1 [NT 60522] languages
[NT 60480] Titles
個人公關搞什麼 = Smart personal relationship : 打造人氣新天王 [NT 59711] by: 鈕則勳 ([NT 1579] Language materials, printed) , [著]
就是比你受歡迎 [NT 59711] by: 鈕則勳 ([NT 1579] Language materials, printed) , [著]
政治廣告 : 理論與實務 [NT 59711] by: 鈕則勳 ([NT 1579] Language materials, printed) , [著]
傳播倫理與法規 = Communication ethics and regulatons [NT 59711] by: 鈕則勳 ([NT 1579] Language materials, printed) , [作]
數位時代的傳播倫理與法規 = Communication ethics and law in the digital age [NT 59711] by: 胡全威; 賴祥蔚; 鈕則勳 ([NT 1579] Language materials, printed) , [主編]
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