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Works: 14 works in 14 publications in 1 languages
駭客攻防技術新擂台 = Hacking & antihacking about accounts passwords and files. 帳戶密碼與機密檔案篇 by: Hawke, John; 哈克 ((Hawke, John)); 程秉輝 (Language materials, printed) , [著]
駭客任務之華山論木馬 = Design of combination Trojan and AntiHacking by: Hawke, John; 哈克 ((Hawke, John)); 程秉輝 (Language materials, printed) , [著]
Windows排困解難DIY : 系統密技.救援修復終極版 by: Hawke, John; 哈克 ((Hawke, John)); 程秉輝 (Language materials, printed) , [著]
個人隱私洩出與防護手法大公開 by: Hawke, John; 哈克 ((Hawke, John)); 程秉輝 (Language materials, printed) , [著]
解決網頁設計一定會遇到的210個問題 = The bible of troubleshooting for HomePage design : 網頁設計排困解難DIY by: Hawke, John; 哈克 ((Hawke, John)); 程秉輝 (Language materials, printed) , [著]
Windows排困解難DIY效能提昇與最佳化 by: Hawke, John; 哈克 ((Hawke, John)); 程秉輝 (Language materials, printed) , [著]
駭客攻防技術新擂台. 入侵與無線網路篇 by: Hawke, John; 哈克 ((Hawke, John)); 程秉輝 (Language materials, printed) , [著]
駭客攻防技術擂臺 = The bible of hacking and antihacking : 駭客任務大作戰 by: Hawke, John; 哈克 ((Hawke, John)); 程秉輝 (Language materials, printed) , [著]
駭客任務實戰 : Windows全攻略 by: Hawke, John; 哈克 ((Hawke, John)); 程秉輝 (Language materials, printed) , [著]
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