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基頓 ((Keaton, Michael))

Works: 8 works in 5 publications in 1 languages
蜘蛛人 = Spider-man : 返校日; homecoming by: Downey, Robert; Holland, Tom; Keaton, Michael; Watts, Jon; 基頓 ((Keaton, Michael)); 華茲 ((Watts, Jon)); 道尼 ((Downey, Robert)); 霍蘭德 ((Holland, Tom)) (Projected and video material) , [主演]
小飛象 = Dumbo by: Burton, Tim.; Farrell, Colin.; Green, Eva.; Keaton, Michael.; 基頓 ((Keaton, Michael)); 法洛 ((Farrell, Colin)); 波頓 ((Burton, Tim)); 葛林 ((Green, Eva)) (Projected and video material) , [主演]
機器戰警2014 = RoboCop 2014 by: Jackson, Samuel L.; Keaton, Michael; Oldman, Gary; Padilha, Jose; 傑克遜 ((Jackson, Samuel L.)); 基頓 ((Keaton, Michael)); 奧德曼 ((Oldman, Gary)); 派迪夏 ((Padilha, Jose)) (Projected and video material) , [主演]
驚爆焦點 = Spotlight by: Keaton, Michael; McAdams, Rachel; McCarthy, Tom; Ruffalo, Mark; Schreiber, Liev; Slattery, John; Tucci, Stanley; 史萊特利 ((Slattery, John)); 圖奇 ((Tucci, Stanley)); 基頓 ((Keaton, Michael)); 薛伯 ((Schreiber, Liev)); 魯法洛 ((Ruffalo, Mark)); 麥亞當斯 ((McAdams, Rachel)); 麥卡錫 ((McCarthy, Tom)) (Projected and video material) , [主演]
鳥人2015 = Birdman by: Inarritu, Alejandro Gonzalez; Keaton, Michael; Norton, Edward; Stone, Emma; 伊納利圖 ((Inarritu, Alejandro Gonzalez)); 史東 ((Stone, Emma)); 基頓 ((Keaton, Michael)); 諾頓 ((Norton, Edward)) (Projected and video material) , [主演]
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