[NT 43990] Languages

尼內 ((Niney, Pierre))

[NT 60487] Overview
[NT 60478] Works: 1 [NT 60520] works in 3 [NT 60521] publications in 1 [NT 60522] languages
[NT 60480] Titles
黑盒線索 = Black box [NT 59711] by: Dussollier, André.; Gozlan, Yann.; Laâge, Lou de.; Niney, Pierre.; 尼內 ((Niney, Pierre)); 拉潔 ((Laâge, Lou de)); 杜索里爾 ((Dussollier, André)); 高蘭 ((Gozlan, Yann)) ([NT 4780] Projected and video material) , [主演]
時尚大師聖羅蘭 = Yves Saint Laurent [NT 59711] by: Gallienne, Guillaume; Lebon, Charlotte; Lespert, Jalil; Niney, Pierre; 佳理恩 ((Gallienne, Guillaume)); 勒彭 ((Lebon, Charlotte)); 尼內 ((Niney, Pierre)); 雷斯培 ((Lespert, Jalil)) ([NT 4780] Projected and video material) , [主演]
執愛不悔 = Amants [NT 59711] by: Garcia, Nicole.; Magimel, Benoît.; Martin, Stacy.; Niney, Pierre.; 尼內 ((Niney, Pierre)); 賈西亞 ((Garcia, Nicole)); 馬吉梅 ((Magimel, Benoît)); 馬汀 ((Martin, Stacy)) ([NT 4780] Projected and video material) , [主演]
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