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霍斯壯 ((Hallstrom, Lasse))

Works: 1 works in 5 publications in 1 languages
為了與你相遇 = A dog's purpose by: Cameron, W. Bruce; Gad, Josh; Hallstrom, Lasse; Quaid, Dennis; Robertson, Britt; 卡麥隆 ((Cameron, W. Bruce)); 奎德 ((Quaid, Dennis)); 羅伯森 ((Robertson, Britt)); 蓋德 ((Gad, Josh)); 霍斯壯 ((Hallstrom, Lasse)) (Projected and video material) , [導演]
真情快遞 = The shipping news by: Blanchett, Cate; Dench, Judi; Hallstrom, Lasse; Moore, Julianne; Spacey, Kevin; 丹契 ((Dench, Judi)); 史貝西 ((Spacey, Kevin)); 布蘭琪 ((Blanchett, Cate)); 摩爾 ((Moore, Julianne)); 霍斯壯 ((Hallstrom, Lasse)) (Projected and video material) , [導演]
濃情巧克力 = Chocolat by: Binoche, Juliette; Depp, Johnny; Hallstrom, Lasse; 戴普 ((Depp, Johnny)); 畢諾許 ((Binoche, Juliette)); 霍斯壯 ((Hallstrom, Lasse)) (Projected and video material) , [導演]
美味不設限 = Hundred foot journey by: Hallstrom, Lasse; Mirren, Helen; 米蘭 ((Mirren, Helen)); 霍斯壯 ((Hallstrom, Lasse)) (Projected and video material) , [導演]
胡桃鉗與奇幻四國 = The nutcracker and the four realms by: Copeland, Misty; Foy, Mackenzie; Hallstrom, Lasse; Knightley, Keira; 奈特莉 ((Knightley, Keira)); 弗依 ((Foy, Mackenzie)); 柯普蘭 ((Copeland, Misty)); 霍斯壯 ((Hallstrom, Lasse)) (Projected and video material) , [導演]
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