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Gleeson, Domhnall

Works: 2 works in 5 publications in 1 languages
美國製造 = American made by: Cruise, Tom; Gleeson, Domhnall; Liman, Doug; Wright, Sarah; 克魯斯 ((Cruise, Tom)); 格利森 ((Gleeson, Domhnall)); 萊特 ((Wright, Sarah)); 萊門 ((Liman, Doug)) (Projected and video material)
愛在他鄉 = Brooklyn by: Cohen, Emory; Crowley, John; Gleeson, Domhnall; Ronan, Saoirse; 克勞利 ((Crowley, John)); 格里森 ((Gleeson, Domhnall)); 科恩 ((Cohen, Emory)); 羅南 ((Ronan, Saoirse)) (Projected and video material)
真愛每一天 = About time by: Curtis, Richard; Gleeson, Domhnall; McAdams, Rachel; Nighy, Bill; 奈伊 ((Nighy, Bill)); 寇蒂斯 ((Curtis, Richard)); 格里森 ((Gleeson, Domhnall)); 麥亞當斯 ((McAdams, Rachel)) (Projected and video material)
比得兔 = Peter rabbit by: Bazzi, Fayssal; Corden, James; Gleeson, Domhnall; Gluck, Will; 古勒 ((Gluck, Will)); 巴齊 ((Bazzi, Fayssal)); 柯登 ((Corden, James)); 格里森 ((Gleeson, Domhnall)) (Projected and video material)
永不屈服 = Unbroken by: Gleeson, Domhnall; Hedlund, Garrett; Jolie, Angelina; O'Connell, Jack; 格里森 ((Gleeson, Domhnall)); 歐康納 ((O'Connell, Jack)); 荷德倫 ((Hedlund, Garrett)); 裘莉 ((Jolie, Angelina)) (Projected and video material)
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