[NT 43990] Languages
[NT 60475] Covers

麥考維 ((McAvoy, James))

[NT 60487] Overview
[NT 60478] Works: 5 [NT 60520] works in 2 [NT 60521] publications in 1 [NT 60522] languages
[NT 60480] Titles
X戰警 = X-Men : 未來昔日; days of future past [NT 59711] by: Fassbender, Michael; Jackman, Hugh; McAvoy, James; Singer, Bryan; 傑克曼 ((Jackman, Hugh)); 法斯賓達 ((Fassbender, Michael)); 辛格 ((Singer, Bryan)); 麥考維 ((McAvoy, James)) ([NT 4780] Projected and video material) , [主演]
X戰警 = X-man : 第一戰; first class [NT 59711] by: Fassbender, Michael; McAvoy, James; Vaughn, Matthew; 方恩 ((Vaughn, Matthew)); 法斯班德 ((Fassbender, Michael)); 麥考維 ((McAvoy, James)) ([NT 4780] Projected and video material) , [主演]
[NT 60479] Subjects
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