喬娃維琪 ((Jovovich, Milla))
Works: | 1 works in 6 publications in 1 languages |
惡靈古堡V = Resident evil : 天譴日; retribution
Anderson, Paul W.S.; Jovovich, Milla; Li, Bingbing; 喬娃維琪 ((Jovovich, Milla)); 安德森 ((Anderson, Paul W.S.)); 李冰冰 ((Li, Bingbing))
(Projected and video material)
, [主演]
惡靈古堡 = Resident Evil: Apocalypse. 2[DVD]
Fehr, Oded; Guillory, Sienna; Jovovich, Milla; Taylor, Matthew G.; Ward, Zack; Witt, Alexander; 喬娃維琪 ((Jovovich, Milla)); 席安娜蓋蘿莉 ((Guillory, Sienna)); 查克華德 ((Ward, Zack)); 歐迪費爾 ((Fehr, Oded)); 歷山大威特 ((Witt, Alexander)); 馬修泰勒 ((Taylor, Matthew G.))
(Projected and video material)
惡靈古堡 = Resident evil : 最終章; the final chapter
Anderson, Paul; Glen, Iain; Jovovich, Milla; Larter, Ali; Roberts, Shawn; Rola; Rose, Ruby ; 喬娃維琪 ((Jovovich, Milla)); 安德森 ((Anderson, Paul)); 拉特 ((Larter, Ali)); 李準基; 羅伯特迪 ((Roberts, Shawn)); 葛蘭 ((Glen, Iain)); 蘿拉 ((Rola)); 蘿絲 ((Rose, Ruby))
(Projected and video material)
, [主主演]
魔物獵人 = Monster hunter
Anderson, Paul W.S.; Jaa, Tony; Jovovich, Milla; 喬娃維琪 ((Jovovich, Milla)); 嘉 ((Jaa, Tony)); 安德森 ((Anderson, Paul W.S.))
(Projected and video material)
, [主演]
惡靈古堡 .4 = Resident Evil: Afterlife : 陰陽界
Fehr, Oded; Guillory, Sienna; Jovovich, Milla; Taylor, Matthew G.; Ward, Zack; Witt, Alexander; 亞歷山大威特 ((Witt, Alexander)); 喬娃維琪 ((Jovovich, Milla)); 席安娜蓋蘿莉 ((Guillory, Sienna)); 查克華德 ((Ward, Zack)); 歐迪費爾 ((Fehr, Oded)); 馬修泰勒 ((Taylor, Matthew G.))
(Projected and video material)
, [主演]
地獄怪客 = Hellboy : 血后的崛起
Harbour, David.; Jovovich, Milla.; Marshall, Neil.; McShane, Ian.; 哈伯 ((Harbour, David)); 喬娃維琪 ((Jovovich, Milla)); 馬歇爾 ((Marshall, Neil)); 麥克夏恩 ((McShane, Ian))
(Projected and video material)
, [主演]
逃出天堂島 = Paradise hills
González, Eiza.; Jovovich, Milla.; Roberts, Emma.; Waddington, Alice.; 喬娃維琪 ((Jovovich, Milla)); 岡薩雷 ((González, Eiza)); 沃丁頓 ((Waddington, Alice)); 羅伯茲 ((Roberts, Emma))
(Projected and video material)
, [主演]