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皮爾斯 ((Pearce, Guy))

Works: 1 works in 8 publications in 1 languages
絕命正義 = The rover by: Michod, David; Pattinson, Robert; Pearce, Guy; 派丁森 ((Pattinson, Robert)); 皮爾斯 ((Pearce, Guy)); 米奇歐 ((Michod, David)) (Projected and video material) , [主演]
時光機器[錄影資料] = The time machine by: Irons, Jeremy; Mimieux, Yvette; Mumba, Samantha; Wells, Simon; 威爾斯 ((Wells, Simon)); 皮爾斯 ((Pearce, Guy)); 穆巴 ((Mumba, Samantha)); 艾倫斯 ((Irons, Jeremy)) (Projected and video material) , [主演]
致戀氣息 = Breathe in by: Doremus, Drake; Jones, Felicity; Pearce, Guy; 多瑞摩斯 ((Doremus, Drake)); 瓊斯 ((Jones, Felicity)); 皮爾斯 ((Pearce, Guy)) (Projected and video material) , [主演]
危機倒數 = The hurt locker by: Bigelow, Kathryn; Fiennes, Ralph; Morse, David; Pearce, Guy; Renner, Jeremy; 摩爾 ((Morse, David)); 畢格羅 ((Bigelow, Kathryn)); 皮爾斯 ((Pearce, Guy)); 費恩斯 ((Fiennes, Ralph)); 雷納 ((Renner, Jeremy)) (Projected and video material) , [主演]
禁愛世界 = Equals by: Doremus, Drake; Hoult, Nicholas; Pearce, Guy; Stewart, Kristen; 史都華 ((Stewart, Kristen)); 多雷穆斯 ((Doremus, Drake)); 皮爾斯 ((Pearce, Guy)); 霍特 ((Hoult, Nicholas)) (Projected and video material) , [主演]
變成妳試弒 = I am you by: Neill, Sam; North, Simone; Otto, Miranda; Pearce, Guy; 奧圖 ((Otto, Miranda)); 尼爾 ((Neill, Sam)); 皮爾斯 ((Pearce, Guy)); 諾姆 ((North, Simone)) (Projected and video material) , [主演]
鋼鐵人 = Iron man. 3; 3 by: Black, Shane; Cheadle, Don; Downey, Robert; Kingsley, Ben; Paltrow, Gwyneth; Pearce, Guy; 其鐸 ((Cheadle, Don)); 布萊克 ((Black, Shane)); 派特洛 ((Paltrow, Gwyneth)); 皮爾斯 ((Pearce, Guy)); 道尼 ((Downey, Robert)); 金斯利 ((Kingsley, Ben)) (Projected and video material) , [主演]
天外封鎖線 = Lockout by: Grace, Maggie; Leger, Stephen St; Mather, James; Pearce, Guy; 皮爾斯 ((Pearce, Guy)); 萊傑 ((Leger, Stephen St.)); 葛蕾絲 ((Grace, Maggie)); 馬瑟 ((Mather, James)) (Projected and video material) , [主演]
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