圖奇 ((Tucci, Stanley))
Works: | 1 works in 12 publications in 1 languages |
危機解密 = Fifth estate
Brühl, Daniel; Condon, Bill; Cumberbatch, Benedict; Tucci, Stanley; 圖奇 ((Tucci, Stanley)); 布爾 ((Brühl, Daniel)); 康柏拜區 ((Cumberbatch, Benedict)); 康頓 ((Condon, Bill))
(Projected and video material)
, [主演]
判決 = The children act
Eyre, Richard; Thompson, Emma; Tucci, Stanley; Whitehead, Fionn; 圖奇 ((Tucci, Stanley)); 懷海德 ((Whitehead, Fionn)); 湯普遜 ((Thompson, Emma)); 艾爾 ((Eyre, Richard))
(Projected and video material)
, [主演]
女巫們 = The witches
Hathaway, Anne; Spencer, Octavia; Tucci, Stanley; Zemeckis, Robert; 史班森 ((Spencer, Octavia)); 圖奇 ((Tucci, Stanley)); 海瑟威 ((Hathaway, Anne)); 辛密克斯 ((Zemeckis, Robert))
(Projected and video material)
, [主演]
私人戰爭 = A private war
Dornan, Jamie; Heineman, Matthew; Pike, Rosamund; Tucci, Stanley; 圖奇 ((Tucci, Stanley)); 派克 ((Pike, Rosamund)); 海涅曼 ((Heineman, Matthew)); 道南 ((Dornan, Jamie))
(Projected and video material)
, [主演]
超完美空少 = Larry Gaye : renegade male flight attendant
Feuerstein, Mark; Friedlander, Sam; Tucci, Stanley; 圖奇 ((Tucci, Stanley)); 斐利蘭德 ((Friedlander, Sam)); 瑞斯坦 ((Feuerstein, Mark))
(Projected and video material)
, [主演]
變形金剛 = Transformers : 絕跡重生; age of extinction. 4
Bay, Michael; Li, Bingbing; Tucci, Stanley; Wahlberg, Mark; 圖奇 ((Tucci, Stanley)); 李冰冰 ((Li, Bingbing)); 華柏格 ((Wahlberg, Mark)); 貝麥可 ((Bay, Michael))
(Projected and video material)
, [主演]
傑克 = Jack the giant killer : 巨人戰紀
Hoult, Nicholas; McGregor, Ewan; Singer, Bryan; Tucci, Stanley; 圖奇 ((Tucci, Stanley)); 辛格 ((Singer, Bryan)); 霍特 ((Hoult, Nicholas)); 麥奎格 ((McGregor, Ewan))
(Projected and video material)
, [主演]
蘇西的世界 = The lovely bones
Imperioli, Michael; Jackson, Peter; Ronan, Saoirse; Sarandon, Susan; Tucci, Stanley; Wahlberg, Mark; Weisz, Rachel; 傑克森 ((Jackson, Peter)); 圖奇 ((Tucci, Stanley)); 懷玆 ((Weisz, Rachel)); 羅南 ((Ronan, Saoirse)); 英普雷歐里 ((Imperioli, Michael)); 莎蘭登 ((Sarandon, Susan)); 華柏格 ((Wahlberg, Mark))
(Projected and video material)
, [主演]
驚爆焦點 = Spotlight
Keaton, Michael; McAdams, Rachel; McCarthy, Tom; Ruffalo, Mark; Schreiber, Liev; Slattery, John; Tucci, Stanley; 史萊特利 ((Slattery, John)); 圖奇 ((Tucci, Stanley)); 基頓 ((Keaton, Michael)); 薛伯 ((Schreiber, Liev)); 魯法洛 ((Ruffalo, Mark)); 麥亞當斯 ((McAdams, Rachel)); 麥卡錫 ((McCarthy, Tom))
(Projected and video material)
, [主演]
飢餓遊戲 = The hunger games
Banks, Elizabeth; Harrelson, Woody; Hemsworth, Liam; Hutcherson, Josh; Lawrence, Jennifer; Ross, Gary; Tucci, Stanley; 勞倫斯 ((Lawrence, Jennifer)); 哈契森 ((Hutcherson, Josh)); 哈里遜 ((Harrelson, Woody)); 圖奇 ((Tucci, Stanley)); 漢斯沃 ((Hemsworth, Liam)); 班克絲 ((Banks, Elizabeth)); 羅斯 ((Ross, Gary))
(Projected and video material)
, [主演]
零號帶原者 = Patient zero
Dormer, Natalie; Ruzowitzky, Stefan; Smith, Matt; Tucci, Stanley; 史密斯 ((Smith, Matt)); 圖奇 ((Tucci, Stanley)); 多莫 ((Dormer, Natalie)); 羅茲威斯 ((Ruzowitzky, Stefan))
(Projected and video material)
, [主演]
寂寞大師 = Final portrait
Hammer, Armie; Poesy, Clemence; Rush, Geoffrey; Tucci, Stanley; 圖奇 ((Tucci, Stanley)); 波西 ((Poesy, Clemence)); 洛許 ((Rush, Geoffrey)); 漢默 ((Hammer, Armie))
(Projected and video material)
, [導演]
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