美國國家地理學會 ((National Geographic Society (U.S.)))
Works: | 2 works in 3 publications in 1 languages |
失落的馬雅文明 = Lost kingdoms of the Maya
Kelly, Tim T.; National Geographic Society (U.S.); Prentice, Patrick.; Weber, Christine.; 凱利 ((Kelly, Tim T.)); 威柏 ((Weber, Christine)); 普蘭迪斯 ((Prentice, Patrick)); 美國國家地理學會 ((National Geographic Society (U.S.)))
(Projected and video material)
超級攝影師 = Cameramen who dared
Clark, David.; Gwynne, Fred.; Kelly, Tim T.; National Geographic Society (U.S.); National Geographic Television.; 克拉克 ((Clark, David)); 凱利 ((Kelly, Tim T.)); 國家地理電視臺 ((National Geographic Television)); 美國國家地理學會 ((National Geographic Society (U.S.))); 葛溫尼 ((Gwynne, Fred))
(Projected and video material)
印加古城之謎 = Treasure seekers : lost cities of the Inca
Crawford Communications Inc.; JWM Productions.; King, Rick.; MacFadyen, Gavin.; National Geographic Society (U.S.); National Geographic Television.; Townsley, Graham.; 國家地理電視臺 ((National Geographic Television)); 湯斯雷 ((Townsley, Graham)); 美國國家地理學會 ((National Geographic Society (U.S.))); 金 ((King, Rick)); 麥克菲迪恩 ((MacFadyen, Gavin))
(Projected and video material)