[NT 43990] Languages
[NT 60475] Covers

貝特曼 ((Bateman, Jason))

[NT 60487] Overview
[NT 60478] Works: 1 [NT 60520] works in 11 [NT 60521] publications in 1 [NT 60522] languages
[NT 60480] Titles
疏離世界 = Disconnect [NT 59711] by: Bateman, Jason; Davis, Hope; Grillo, Frank; Rubin, Henry Alex; 戴維絲 ((Davis, Hope)); 羅賓 ((Rubin, Henry Alex)); 葛里洛 ((Grillo, Frank)); 貝特曼 ((Bateman, Jason)) ([NT 4780] Projected and video material) , [主演]
歪招百出奧大叔 = Bad words [NT 59711] by: Bateman, Jason; Chand, Rohan; Hahn, Kathryn; 翰 ((Hahn, Kathryn)); 貝特曼 ((Bateman, Jason)); 錢德 ((Chand, Rohan)) ([NT 4780] Projected and video material) , [導演]
愛在頭七天 = This is where I leave you [NT 59711] by: Bateman, Jason; Levy, Shawn; 李維 ((Levy, Shawn)); 貝特曼 ((Bateman, Jason)) ([NT 4780] Projected and video material) , [主演]
老闆不是人 = Horrible bosses. 2; 2 [NT 59711] by: Anders, Sean; Bateman, Jason; Day, Charlie; Sudeikis, Jason; 安德斯 ((Anders, Sean)); 戴 ((Day, Charlie)); 蘇戴西斯 ((Sudeikis, Jason)); 貝特曼 ((Bateman, Jason)) ([NT 4780] Projected and video material) , [主演]
鴻孕當頭 = JUNO [NT 59711] by: 佩姬 ((Page, Ellen)); 嘉納 ((Garner, Jennifer)); 萊特曼 ((Reitman, Jason)); 貝特曼 ((Bateman, Jason)) ([NT 4780] Projected and video material) , [主演]
遊戲夜殺必死 = Game night [NT 59711] by: Bateman, Jason.; Chandler, Kyle.; Daley, John Francis.; Goldstein, Jonathan.; McAdams, Rachel.; 貝特曼 ((Bateman, Jason)); 達利 ((Daley, John Francis)); 錢德勒 ((Chandler, Kyle)); 高斯汀 ((Goldstein, Jonathan)); 麥亞當斯 ((McAdams, Rachel)) ([NT 4780] Projected and video material) , [主演]
全民超人 = Hancock [NT 59711] by: Bateman, Jason; Berg, Peter; Goldsman, Akiva; Smith, Will; Theron, Charlize; 史密斯 ((Smith, Will)); 柏格 ((Berg, Peter)); 貝特曼 ((Bateman, Jason)); 賽隆 ((Theron, Charlize)) ([NT 4780] Projected and video material) , [主演]
竊資達人 = Identity thief [NT 59711] by: Bateman, Jason; Gordon, Seth; McCarthy, Melissa; 貝特曼 ((Bateman, Jason)); 高登 ((Gordon, Seth)); 麥卡錫 ((McCarthy, Melissa)) ([NT 4780] Projected and video material) , [主演]
玩咖尬宅爸 = The change up [NT 59711] by: Bateman, Jason; Dobkin, David; Reynolds, Ryan; 多布金 ((Dobkin, David)); 貝特曼 ((Bateman, Jason)); 雷諾斯 ((Reynolds, Ryan)) ([NT 4780] Projected and video material) , [主演]
動物方城市 = Zootopia [NT 59711] by: Bateman, Jason; Bush, Jared; Elba, Idris; Goodwin, Ginnifer; Howard, Byron; Moore, Rich; 古德溫 ((Goodwin, Ginnifer)); 布希 ((Bush, Jared)); 穆爾 ((Moore, Rich)); 艾巴 ((Elba, Idris)); 貝特曼 ((Bateman, Jason)); 霍華德 ((Howard, Byron)) ([NT 4780] Projected and video material) , [配音]
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