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Works: 10 works in 10 publications in 1 languages
商品供給 = Providing goods by: Thomas,, Stephen; 托馬斯 ((Thomas, Stephen)); 朱京力 (Language materials, printed)
生命週期 = Life cycles by: Reeder,, Tracey; 朱京力; 裡德 ((Reeder, Tracey)) (Language materials, printed)
極端的天氣 = Extreme weather by: Green,, Josie; 朱京力; 格林 ((Green, Josie)) (Language materials, printed)
文化與慶典 by: Banks,, Greg; 朱京力; 班克斯 ((Banks, Greg)) (Language materials, printed)
細胞在工作 = Cells at work by: Mitchell,, Ralph; 朱京力; 米切爾 ((Mitchell, Ralph)) (Language materials, printed)
全球傳播 = Communication around the world by: Devcich,, Ruth; 德夫契奇 ((Devcich, Ruth)); 朱京力 (Language materials, printed)
跨越時間和文化的貿易 = Trade across time and cultures by: Marlow,, Susan; 朱京力; 馬洛 ((Marlow, Susan)) (Language materials, printed)
地表形態的塑造 = Shaping earth's surface by: Kramer,, Nash; 克雷默 ((Kramer, Nash)); 朱京力 (Language materials, printed)
簡單機械 = Using simple machines by: Snow,, Caroline; 斯諾 ((Snow, Caroline)); 朱京力 (Language materials, printed)
動物棲息地 = Animals in their habitats by: Randolph,, June; 倫道夫 ((Randolph, June)); 朱京力; 陳茂 (Language materials, printed)
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