[NT 43990] Languages
帕克 ((Parker, Sarah Jessica))
[NT 60487] Overview
[NT 60478] Works: | 6 [NT 60520] works in 6 [NT 60521] publications in 1 [NT 60522] languages |
[NT 60480] Titles
慾望城市 = Sex and the city:the complete season 5. 第五季
[NT 59711] by:
Cattrall, Kim; Davis, Kristin; Nixon, Cynthia; Parker, Sarah Jessica; 凱特羅 ((Cattrall, Kim)); 尼克森 ((Nixon, Cynthia)); 帕克 ((Parker, Sarah Jessica)); 戴維斯 ((Dvis, Kristin))
([NT 4780] Projected and video material)
, [主演]
慾望城市 = Sex and the city:the complete season 6. 第六季
[NT 59711] by:
Cattrall, Kim; Davis, Kristin; Nixon, Cynthia; Parker, Sarah Jessica; 凱特羅 ((Cattrall, Kim)); 尼克森 ((Nixon, Cynthia)); 帕克 ((Parker, Sarah Jessica)); 戴維斯 ((Dvis, Kristin))
([NT 4780] Projected and video material)
, [主演]
慾望城市 = Sex and the city:the complete season 3. 第三季
[NT 59711] by:
Cattrall, Kim; Davis, Kristin; Nixon, Cynthia; Parker, Sarah Jessica; 凱特羅 ((Cattrall, Kim)); 尼克森 ((Nixon, Cynthia)); 帕克 ((Parker, Sarah Jessica)); 戴維斯 ((Dvis, Kristin))
([NT 4780] Projected and video material)
, [主演]
慾望城市 = Sex and the city:the complete first season. 第一季
[NT 59711] by:
Cattrall, Kim; Davis, Kristin; Nixon, Cynthia; Parker, Sarah Jessica; 凱特羅 ((Cattrall, Kim)); 尼克森 ((Nixon, Cynthia)); 帕克 ((Parker, Sarah Jessica)); 戴維斯 ((Davis, Kristin))
([NT 4780] Projected and video material)
, [主演]
慾望城市 = Sex and the city:the complete season 2. 第二季
[NT 59711] by:
Cattrall, Kim; Davis, Kristin; Nixon, Cynthia; Parker, Sarah Jessica; 凱特羅 ((Cattrall, Kim)); 尼克森 ((Nixon, Cynthia)); 帕克 ((Parker, Sarah Jessica)); 戴維斯 ((Dvis, Kristin))
([NT 4780] Projected and video material)
, [主演]
慾望城市 = Sex and the city:the complete season 4. 第四季
[NT 59711] by:
Cattrall, Kim; Davis, Kristin; Nixon, Cynthia; Parker, Sarah Jessica; 凱特羅 ((Cattrall, Kim)); 尼克森 ((Nixon, Cynthia)); 帕克 ((Parker, Sarah Jessica)); 戴維斯 ((Dvis, Kristin))
([NT 4780] Projected and video material)
, [主演]
[NT 60479] Subjects